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Best Dip Belt for Weighted Dipping UK Reviews

Did you know that dips are an effective exercise that work not just your triceps, but also your pectorals, shoulders, and back?

If you’re not already doing these to build up your strength and size, it’s time to start.

Performing dips with a dipping belt

However, on the other hand, if you’ve been implementing dips into your routine, and have found them less challenging over time, do not stop performing this powerhouse of an exercise.

There is a way to make it more intense. With the help of a dipping belt, you can challenge your body in new ways. Continue reading to learn how this device can take your chest workout from boring to exciting and enticing once again.

Editor's Choice
DMoose Fitness Dip Belt with Chain

DMoose Fitness Dip Belt with Chain



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AQF Dipping Belt

AQF Dipping Belt

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RDX Dipping Belt

RDX Dipping Belt

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Elite Body Squad Pro Neoprene Dip Belt

Elite Body Squad Pro Neoprene Dip Belt

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Best Value
Hawk Fitness Belt for and for Pull-Ups

Hawk Fitness Belt for and for Pull-Ups

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Iron Bull Strength Advanced Belt for Dips

Iron Bull Strength Advanced Belt for Dips

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York Fitness Belt With Chain for Dipping

York Fitness Belt With Chain for Dipping

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Dark Iron Fitness Leather Weightlifting Dipping Belt

Dark Iron Fitness Leather Weightlifting Dipping Belt

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Note: There’s a lot more information below but clicking the above links will take you to current prices, further information and customer reviews on Amazon or Best Gym Equipment.

A Detailed Look at the Best Dip Belts

And finally, here is our guide for finding the best dipping belt for you. Continue reading to learn more about the pros and cons of some of the best belts on the market.

If price is not an issue, investing in the DMoose is the right choice for a passionate weightlifter looking to intensify their workout routine.


If you can see yourself attaching up to 90 kg to your belt at a time, it’s worth investing in the DMoose Fitness Belt. This belt is a spectacular option for athletes, competitive bodybuilders and powerlifters.

One look at this dipping belt and you’ll be sold. At first glance, it looks sturdy and intense. Upon placing your order, you will also have the opportunity to choose one of four different designs.


Things We Like
  • Heavy duty
  • Double stitching
  • Comfortable yet sturdy
  • Various designs to choose from


Things we don’t like
  • Chain might prove a little short for some

Affordable and robust, the AQF Dipping Belt is an excellent choice for anyone dabbling in bodybuilding or weightlifting.


This product is safe and sturdy and is perfect for anyone passionate about lifting weights. The chain is an ideal length and is strong enough to handle intense loads of additional weight. If your workouts have been feeling too easy the last couple of sessions, throw in the AQF Dipping Belt to crank things up a notch.

Things We Like
  • Fully adjustable for all sizes
  • Strong chain


Things we don’t like
  • The belt can feel rigid holding larger loads

The RDX Dipping Belt has similar stats as the AQF Belt, however, sits at a slightly higher price point. Some perks of this product include its durable polypro webbing that will ensure your belt will never slip down your hips while its in use.


This model is great for holding up moderate loads of resistance. Purchase this belt if you’re planning on using your dipping belt often for hypertrophy training. It’s comfortable to wear with lighter loads and will stay wrapped around your waist securely during your workout session at the gym. Best of all, it’s also sweat-resistant, so you never have to worry about the belt making your skin feel clammy or sticky.

Things We Like
  • Comfortable to wear with EVA padding around the lumbar region
  • Reasonable price
  • Sweat-wicking and anti-microbial belt


Things we don’t like
  • Shorter chain

This belt is perfect for any weightlifter. It looks great, with a simple yet classic black design, sure to compliment anyone. However, its highlights include its extra-long chain and durable stitching.


If you’re looking to pull some more weight — up to 40 kg at once — give the Elite Body Squad Pro Neoprene Dip Belt a try. It’s an affordable option, yet does not compromise quality or strength. Past users have stated that it’s a great belt for powerlifters since it can support so much weight on dips, squats, and more.

Things We Like
  • Extra-long 75 cm chain
  • Wide back support
  • Tested for up to 40 kg


Things we don’t like
  • The clips on the chain may dig into the skin

If your budget is your main concern, this belt by Hawk Fitness will meet all of your needs. It’s a great starting belt for new weight lifting enthusiasts.


You get a lot of value for your money with this reliable and effective product by Hawk Fitness. It can hold somewhere between ten and twenty-five kilograms at a time, which is ideal if you’re using a dipping belt for the first time and don’t want to overwhelm your body.

It’s an exceptional option for beginners first getting into the weightlifting and fitness scene since you can also perform many different exercises with this one belt.

Things We Like
  • Fits both slim and more athletic body types
  • Decent back support
  • Great starting belt


Things we don’t like
  • May not last as long as some belts

Amazingly versatile, this dipping belt by Iron Bull is perfect for the individual wanting to get creative with their workouts. It can support plenty of weight, but can also double as a sledge harness. You can also order a specific size tailored to your unique body shape and size.


If you seek a versatile belt, the Iron Bull Advanced Dipping Belt has three attachment anchors for unique and different exercises to help increase your strength and stamina. It attaches securely to a weighted sledge, making this a smart selection for athletes.

Select your size wisely since this belt is not a one size fits all product. This form of sizing has both positives and negatives. When you choose a size specifically caters to your body type, you’re guaranteed to feel more comfortable and secure.

Things We Like
  • It comes in various sizes ranging from XS to XXL
  • Does not slip
  • Suitable for beginning and intermediate weightlifters


Things we don’t like
  • Buying the wrong size is a potential risk
  • The fabric weight strap may not be the strongest

This belt is one size fits all, taking the guesswork out of finding your perfect size. However, keep in mind that since the belt is made of leather, it will cost slightly more.


This dipping belt is an option for those out there wanting an alternative to the neoprene belts out on the market. The overall length of the belt (including the chain) is approximately 152 cm. Its biggest downside is that the chain is slightly shorter than some of the other products on this list. It also may not fit larger individuals, so if you think sizing may be an issue, then it might not be the belt for you.

Things We Like
  • Reasonably priced
  • Strong chain
  • Suitable for beginning and intermediate weightlifters


Things we don’t like
  • May not cater to the larger gym goer
  • Shorter chain

Lastly, this belt by Dark Iron rounds out our list. It features pillow-like padding to keep your waist comfortable as you train. It also easily rolls into your gym bag for convenient storage.


This belt is 76 cm long and 10 cm wide, offering adequate support for your lower back during your workout. Despite not using a steel chain this belt has a nylon strap which can hold a maximum weight capacity of 122kg (270 lbs) – which is the equivalent to SIX Olympic plates.

Things We Like
  • Will not stretch
  • Will not tear
  • Two quick-release springs to make loading and unloading weight a breeze
Things we don’t like
  • Higher price point
  • Fabric straps

What is a Dip Belt?

A dipping belt or dip belt is a belt that wraps around the user’s waist, that gives them the ability to add more resistance (via weighted plates) to their body and make certain exercises more of challenge once bodyweight exercises become too easy.

But why use one in the first place?

It boils down to the concept of progressive overload. This idea states that the human body can and will adapt to any stressor placed on it — this is how you are able to get faster and stronger in the gym. Over time, what once felt challenging will come more naturally, whether you’re running a mile, or performing barbell squats.

If you’re struggling with performing even one tricep dip as of now, with enough consistency, you will eventually gain enough strength to need a dipping belt.

A dip belt helps you progress and keeps you from plateauing, making it a useful tool in your fitness regimen.

What are the Benefits of Using a Dip Belt?

As we have just discussed, a dipping belt prevents your body from plateauing and ensures your workout feels challenging every time. However, there are also a few other benefits you should note when considering this useful fitness tool.

They add variety to your workout

If something gets too easy, you may feel turned off by the idea of doing it since it may feel repetitive and boring. Using a dipping belt could shake things up, keep your body guessing, and best of all, make working out exciting again.

Your overall strength will improve

The bench press, one of the most common compounds lifts, doesn’t just use your pectoral muscles. Though the chest muscles are the prime movers for this exercise, your triceps are also just as crucial. Your tricep muscles help to move and stabilse the weight safely above your head in addition to the pectorals.

When your triceps are strong, they can support more weight, which is great news for bodybuilders, athletes, powerlifters, or just the average person trying to increase their muscle mass.

You can use your dipping belt for other exercises too

Though dipping belts are generally used for tricep dips, this doesn’t mean you can’t use your belt for different exercises. For example, if bodyweight pull-ups are no longer as difficult as when you first started, purchasing a dip belt is highly recommended.

Dipping belts are a must for hypertrophy

High reps will not give you the results you want, so try and add some more weight and lessen the number of repetitions.

Most trainers and fitness professionals suggest staying within the eight to ten repetition range when performing an exercise for any body part. If you’re able to perform more than that without breaking a sweat, it’s time to add some more weight if you want to see that muscle group grow.

It’s one of the safest ways to add extra resistance

You may have seen individuals at the gym tuck a dumbbell in between their thighs or ankles when doing dips or pull-ups. While this method does add some additional resistance, using a dip belt is a safer and more convenient method. Using a belt properly disperses the weight, and does not place extra strain on your ankle joints, as the dumbbell method may.

It’s a one time purchase

What do we mean by one time?

Unlike other forms of resistance (kettlebells, dumbells, medicine balls), a dipping belt is a one and done purchase. You don’t need to purchase a new belt every time the weight feels too light. Dipping belts are customisable, so you can add as much or as little weight as you please.

They are also long-lasting and made from sturdy materials. A steel chain is not something that will break easily, even overtime, meaning that you will not need to purchase another belt for a long while.

What Exercises Can You Do With One?

Although it’s referred to as a dip or dipping belt, this doesn’t mean it’s reserved solely for tricep dips. You may use your belt to train all muscle groups. Here are a few ways you can use your belt the next time you are in the gym.

Lower Body

Use your belt the next time you train legs, and automatically feel the difference.

Some exercises you can do with a belt are leg lifts, squats, hip thrusts, lunges, good mornings, and calf raises. Try these with just your belt first, and add a barbell or dumbbells to increase the intensity if you’re confident your body can handle it.

Upper Body

If dips and pull-ups aren’t a part of your typical upper body day, and you fear you won’t get much use out of a dipping belt, no worries.

You can do a variety of different exercises with a dip weight belt that are just as effective!

For example, you can perform a weighted hang to improve your grip strength. Or try doing some weighted push-ups to train your entire upper body.


While running or sprinting with your belt on is a sure-fire way to cause an injury, try walking at a steep incline on a treadmill. The additional weight will cause you to break a sweat like never before, and your heart rate will soar.

What to Look for When Choosing a Dip Belt

If you’re convinced that a dipping belt will help improve your strength training, consider these next few factors before deciding on the perfect dipping belt for you.


Dipping belts are made from either tough neoprene or leather. Consider this when browsing our selection of the top dipping belts on the web. Neoprene is an excellent material since it is sweatproof and resistant. However, it is not the most eco-friendly material. On the other hand, others may have an issue purchasing leather, so consider these factors before finalsing your decision.


Most belts are one size fits all. However, if you want a belt that is more tailored to your body, look for one that comes in your size. These range from XS to XXL so that you can find your perfect match.


Due to the concept of progressive overload, one must progressively challenge their body in new ways if they want to continue to progress and make significant gains.

Thanks to a device known as a dipping belt, you can achieve this without any issues. Dipping belts make it convenient to add additional resistance to nearly any exercise. But these belts aren’t just for anyone wanting to improve their strength on tricep dips. They are also great for upping the difficulty of squats, pull-ups, chin-ups, and push-ups, so you never have to worry about plateauing while on your fitness journey.

If you’re putting in consistent work, you deserve to meet the goals you’ve set for yourself. Sometimes you need additional tools, and one of the most useful you can buy is a quality dipping belt.

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Jason Barnham

Jason started lifting weights back in 1990 which sparked his interest in Nutrition. He went back to college in 1993 then started at the University of Surrey in 1994, graduating in Nutrition and Dietetics in 1998.

Having worked in both the NHS and running his own dietetic clinic, he has now settled into the web publishing world.

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